Food Forrest

Families will plant 10 seedlings of native fruit trees or medicinal plants on their lands and will care for them applying organic fertilizers until they are strong enough to grow on their own.


These eco-actions will help these families reach a long-term goal to grow their own, native, organic fruit and medicinal trees through permaculture and have sufficient food to feed their families and sell organic products in local markets.

Empowering Women in Sustainable Agriculture: Restoring Communities and Ecosystems

Families from Mabosso and Koubou Koubou villages near Akanda National Park previously engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture, increasing land impoverishment, low crop yields, and the disappearance of forests.

Restoring Environmental Degradation and Food Insecurity

Creating food forests is a fantastic way to sink carbon and restore biodiversity while assuring food security and increased nutrition and health. This restoration method will also expand to sustainable pig and chicken farming to address the community’s needs of protein.

Capacity Building and Land Rehabilitation

Through “Les Petits Exploitants Agricoles et Pêcheurs GARDIENS de la Baie de la Mondah” project 30+ women in sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, and income-generating activities, restoring 20 hectares for cassava and establishing a fruit tree nursery.

Sustainable Growth and Economic Empowerment

Committed to expanding their cassava production activity by applying sustainable agriculture techniques, establishing a cassava processing unit to add value to their production, and increasing the nursery to 5,000 fruit trees, these women from SCOOPS CAM2K need more technical and financial support to achieve their goals, they offer tourist experiences in their plantation where visitors can participate in agricultural activities, visit the surroundings and taste the local food from their plantation, and the opportunity to CO-RESTORERS of nature who are urban dwellers from any part of the world who are concerned about climate change and wish to restore vital ecosystems without leaving their jobs, families and countries to support this eco-action by sending their financial support.

Empowering Women in Sustainable Agriculture: Restoring Communities and Ecosystems

Families from Mabosso and Koubou Koubou villages near Akanda National Park previously engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture, increasing land impoverishment, low crop yields, and the disappearance of forests.

Restoring Environmental Degradation and Food Insecurity

Creating food forests is a fantastic way to sink carbon and restore biodiversity while assuring food security and increased nutrition and health. This restoration method will also expand to sustainable pig and chicken farming to address the community’s needs of protein.

Capacity Building and Land Rehabilitation

Through “Les Petits Exploitants Agricoles et Pêcheurs GARDIENS de la Baie de la Mondah” project 30+ women in sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, and income-generating activities, restoring 20 hectares for cassava and establishing a fruit tree nursery.

Sustainable Growth and Economic Empowerment

Committed to expanding their cassava production activity by applying sustainable agriculture techniques, establishing a cassava processing unit to add value to their production, and increasing the nursery to 5,000 fruit trees, these women from SCOOPS CAM2K need more technical and financial support to achieve their goals, they offer tourist experiences in their plantation where visitors can participate in agricultural activities, visit the surroundings and taste the local food from their plantation, and the opportunity to CO-RESTORERS of nature who are urban dwellers from any part of the world who are concerned about climate change and wish to restore vital ecosystems without leaving their jobs, families and countries to support this eco-action by sending their financial support.

Visiting this community-led cassava plantation initiative of indigenous women of Mabosso and Koubou Koubou villages, gives you hands-on experiences like harvesting crops or feeding animals, tasting sessions of farm-fresh produce, and making cheese.

Who are you partnering with ?

You will be partnering with La Cooperative Agricole Mabosso (SCOOPS CAM2K) that counts 22 families that are working together to regenerate the forests of their farms by reintroducing various types of native trees, planting cassava and using other techniques of regenerative agriculture.

Where does your money go to ?

Your money will be used to fund the collectiong of fruit-tree seeds, the propagation and planting of seedlings, and the labor necessary to care for them, like the creation and application of organic fertilizers.

Where does your money go to ?

Your money will be used to fund the collectiong of fruit-tree seeds, the propagation and planting of seedlings, and the labor necessary to care for them, like the creation and application of organic fertilizers.

Planting fruits trees as part of the restoration process of the 20 hectares of ancestral land dedicated to sustainable agriculture practices is one of the activities la Cooperative Agricole Mabosso and Koubou Koubou (SCOOPS CAM2K) is involved, and that tourists can participate during their visit.

Why Donate ?

Protecting Biodiversity:
Your donation helps safeguard over 100 endangered species in Gabon's diverse ecosystems. Empowering Communities: We've improved the lives of 500+ community members through sustainable programs. Educating for the Future: Support our "Green Schools Initiative" and promote environmental education. Clean Water Access: Contribute to "Clean Water for All" to provide sustainable water sources in rural areas.

How Donations Are Used

We maintain complete transparency in allocating funds:

Wildlife Conservation: 40%
Community Development: 30%
Educational Initiatives: 20%
Administrative Costs: 10%

At the end of each year, we will send a report of our activities made from all contributions.

How Donations Are Used

We maintain complete transparency in allocating funds:

Wildlife Conservation: 40%
Community Development: 30%
Educational Initiatives: 20%
Administrative Costs: 10%

Ways To Donate

One-time Contribution: Make a single, impactful donation.
Monthly Subscriptions:
Provide continuous support for our ongoing projects.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Partner with us for a more significant impact.

Payment Options

Secure Online Payment:
Western Union: You may use Western Union to send your donation to Gabon Eco Action. Contact us for details.
Your support, no matter the size, contributes to a greener and more sustainable Gabon. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

Payment Options

Payment Options:
Secure Online Payment:
Western Union: You may use Western Union to send your donation to Gabon Eco Action. Contact us for details.
Your support, no matter the size, contributes to a greener and more sustainable Gabon. Together, we can make a lasting impact.


Contact Us

Ask us any questions you have about our homestay and or eco actions.

We are happy to do all we can to make sure you will have an unforgettable experience in Gabon

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